705-687-4624, jamessaint6@gmail.com, or Facebook!

Sundays: 9am in Bala, 11am in Gravenhurst, Barkway 1pm (1st Sunday)
Gravenhurst: www.facebook.com/groups/877539858928800
Bala: www.facebook.com/groups/2196780030647221
Sundays 9:30am via Zoom
705-687-4624, jamessaint6@gmail.com, or Facebook!
Gravenhurst: www.facebook.com/groups/877539858928800
Bala: www.facebook.com/groups/2196780030647221
Sundays 9:30am via Zoom
Entire series and more available on the BibleProject YouTube Channel
Available on the Muskoka Chautauqua YouTube Channel
Entire series and more available on the BibleProject YouTube Channel
Many prayer videos available on the Meditationwccm YouTube Channel
191 Hotchkiss St
Gathering Sundays 11am
HOPE CHEST 2nd hand clothing store OPEN THURSDAYS 9:30-1:30
1014 Ben Lake Rd
Gathering on 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month at 1pm
Annual kids' Church Summer Camp:
details to follow next summer!
1024 Bala Falls Rd
Gathering Sundays 9am
Triple Ts (That Tuesday Thing)
After-School Group
The Anglican Churches of Gravenhurst, Barkway & Bala are a family of Christians who seek to know God as revealed to us in the teachings of Jesus, and to live our lives according to those teachings - "Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength; and love your neighbour as yourself." We worship, study, and serve in our communities. Our church services are a mix of prayer, songs, Bible readings and reflections; and most of the time we share Communion when we gather. Our services are either onscreen or printed so that you can follow along. We are a mix of year-round and seasonal residents from many church traditions, and we cherish our diversity. Muskoka is a land of blessing, in which God's peace and love can be experienced in every lake, rock and tree. May your soul find a home with us.
Our ministry is within the Anglican Diocese of Algoma: www.dioceseofalgoma.com
To learn more about Anglicans in Canada: www.anglican.ca
To learn more about our worldwide work in aid, justice and development www.pwrdf.org
To learn more about Anglicans worldwide: www.anglicancommunion.org
To learn more about our Peace and Justice Network: www.living-reconciliation.org